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40 Procreate Animals Brushes.

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BrushGalaxy BrushGalaxy BrushGalaxy BrushGalaxy

About this Product:

Hi! In the Procreate app, I personally generated each brush.
There is proof of authorship.

Procreate app includes 40 brushes.
Apple pencils respond to pressure with brushes. Try it and observe the results.

There are no delivered tangible things; these are merely digital files.

Instant download immediately after
What do you get when buying:
– set of exclusive brushes

It is important to have brushes to use:
– iPhone or iPad / iPad Pro

How to install the files:


  1. Download brushes from Brush Galaxy (Products are in zip format)
  2. Install the Unzipping application from the App Store (Recommendation: iZipp)
  3. Decompress the zip product file
  4. Tap the brush/brushset file to open it in Procreate
  5. Use them to make beautiful art

Check out our in-detail tutorial on how to download and install brushes in Procreate


Do you like what you see? This is just one of the many quality products you can unlock, once you join Brush Galaxy. Rest assured, knowing that youā€™ll always receive fine Procreate assets crafted by professionals. Register today, and enjoy more than 50.000 Procreate brushes and palettes.

  • Tags:
  • Procreate
  • Procreate Animal Stamps
  • procreate brush set
  • procreate brush stamps
  • Procreate brushes
  • procreate stamps

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